
Dog training hamilton BC, ontario

Who wouldn’t want to have a happy dog? I mean we love our pets as if they were our own kin, but do we really know how to make them happy? Most people think love and affection is all you need. WRONG, so wrong! While our dogs do crave our affection it certainly should not be the first thing you give them. Check out below the 10 ingredients to having a happy dog (and in turn happy you!). I suggest taking a look at your current arrangements and honestly asses where each of these points fall. If you make some adjustments and rearrange your priorities I promise you will see significant changes in your dog and your relationship! dog training hamilton, ontariodog training hamilton, ontario

1. A good quality diet

2. Playtime

3. Exercise

4. Quiet time and down time

5. Socialization

6. Give your dog a job

7. Rest and sleep

8. Training

9. Maintaining good health

10. Love and affection (note this is last for a reason…don’t let it work it’s way up to #1 otherwise you can expect the behavioural issues to begin!)

Make small changes today and each day, and you will see your dog transform. What we view as “happy” is likely not what a dog sees as being happy. Do this for your dog!

Happy Training!

Katherine Vooys- McDonald

Hamilton, Ontario

How to Fix Leash Reactivity

dog training hamilton bc, ontario

dog den
