
dog diggingIs your dog digging in the yard? Does it seem like you can’t even leave your dog out for 2 minutes without finding them busily putting yet another hole in your grass? Good thing is, yes we can help you with your dog digging problems. Bad news is, it’s not a simple fix like you might think.

Digging in the yard is very common problem I get asked for help with. Unfortunately, like most problems not only is there no magic wand to wave and fix it, digging is often a symptom of a problem (not the actual problem itself), it is very natural for a dog to dig (some dogs were bred to do it), and it is very self rewarding.

But don’t worry, you can in fact stop this nuisance behaviour. First though, you need to ask yourself a few things. dog digging

  1. How much exercise does your dog get? And no I don’t mean how much backyard time does he get (because not only does that not count as exercise, it’s likely when the digging is happening). Dogs NEED an outlet. They need a job. They have energy to burn and they need you to make sure they have a way to get rid of it. So no, putting the dog outside in the yard does not qualify as exercise. Be honest when you answer the question. Dogs need a MINIMUM of two 30 minute walks or one long walk (no less than an hour) PER DAY. Not 2-3 times a week. Not when you have time or when you feel like it. If you were couped up in a house all day (or maybe even in a crate), and the only fun you had was to run around the back yard 3 times a day for 10 minutes, don’t you think you might come up with a way to entertain yourself and burn some energy? And here is where digging comes in. If your dogs only sees the outside in the confines of your fenced in yard, and he is a high energy young dog. Guess what? He is going to dig.
  2. If your dog is getting adequate exercise, you might try upping their exercise by even just 25% (the more the better). Or engage in a game of tug or fetch. Your dog will love it!
  3. If your dog still digs with the added exercise, you will want to monitor your dog’s outside time. Just like with children, we manage their environment until they can handle making their own decisions (and making the right decision). So throw on the leash and go outside with your dog for the next 2 weeks. Don’t allow them to dig. If they try, then you go back inside. They will quickly learn their outside time is cut short if they dig.
  4. As mentioned above, dogs need a job and some more so than others. So give your dog something else to do. Invest in a Jolly Egg or Puzzle Ball and give your dog something appropriate to do while they are outside.
  5. If you have tried (and seriously given it an honest go) all of the above and your dog is still insisting on digging, your next option is to create a deterrent. Some people put their dog’s poop in their favourite holes to stop digging. It can work, but we find sprinkling cayenne pepper in the holes works even better. If your dog is random about where they dig, grab some cayenne in bulk and sprinkle it generously throughout the yard.
  6. If all else fails…contact us and we will do remote collar training to stop the digging. But we think you will be successful at stopping it before it comes to that!

If you need help with training your dog not to dig, give us a call for a FREE evaluation! 905-869-1170 or

Happy Training!


dog digging
